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Churches & Religious institutions

Whether they are called temples, churches, mosques or synagogues, religious institutions are more than meeting places for a congregation. Religious organizations are often a leading provider of social services and community activities. They frequently do not have a staff member who handles property maintenance, and they are often dealing with limited funds for maintaining the property. However, by neglecting the maintenance on walkways and parking lots, they may be placing their future budgets and their visitors at risk.

Why Pavement Maintenance Is Critical

Neglected pavement is often unsafe. Members of the congregation could trip over breaks in the pavement or damage their cars if they drive over a pothole. Pools of water provide ideal breeding grounds for mosquitos, and those mosquitos could spread disease in the neighborhood or to the congregants. Furthermore, without proper maintenance, the pavement can fail much sooner than it should have. Water that penetrates through breaks in the pavement can allow the reinforcing steel in concrete to rust or destroy the foundation that supports asphalt pavement. Once the foundation is destroyed, the only remedy is to remove the existing pavement, repair the foundation and then install new pavement.

Common Paving Services for Religious Institutions

Not every house of worship has the same types of pavement. Some have asphalt parking lots and concrete walkways, others have concrete parking lots and still others have paved areas for sports activities. However, no matter what types of pavement you have, certain maintenance procedures are commonly needed by religious institutions.

• Paving: If you are converting a gravel parking lot to a paved one or constructing a new building, you will need professional installation of your new pavement. The quality of the installation plays an important role in the longevity of the pavement, so be sure that you select an experienced, trustworthy contractor.
• Overlays: If the foundation is stable but the pavement itself is beyond repair, an overlay can be an excellent way to have a “new” parking lot without the expense of rebuilding the current lot. An overlay is a course of asphalt that is applied to existing asphalt or concrete pavement. It typically has the same life expectancy as new asphalt pavement and will be just as attractive.
• Damage Repair: The two primary repairs needed are crack filling and pothole repair. Both types of repairs are economical, especially when compared to the cost of new pavement.
• Sealcoating: If you have areas that are paved with asphalt, you need sealcoating. Sealants protect against damaging chemicals such as automotive fluids. They also block the UV rays that leave asphalt pavement dry and brittle.
• Parking Lot Markings: Clearly defined parking spaces, crosswalks, handicapped spaces and other pavement markings reduce confusion, making the area safer for everyone.

NC Asphalt Paving understands the unique challenges that religious institutions face. We take pride in delivering work of exceptional quality at affordable rates. Whether you need pavement repairs, sealcoating, overlays, new asphalt pavement constructed or pavement markings, we can help. For a free, no-obligation quote, complete the online form or call (336) 549-2258

Office: 2520 Empire Dr. Winston Salem, NC 27103

©2023 NC Asphalt Paving LLC. 

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