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Facilities/Health Care

Clinics, hospitals and other health care facilities all need to provide a safe thoroughfare for physicians, patients and staff members to enter and exit the building. Patients may have mobility challenges or ambulances may transport patients to the facility, making a safe pavement even more critical. However, because managing the daily operations of a health facility is a complex task, it is easy to overlook the importance of making sure that your parking lot, sidewalks and patient drop-off areas are properly maintained.

Maintaining Your Pavement

Depending on the type of facility you manage, you may have to ensure that patients and ambulances have access around the clock. You may also be dealing with budget constraints that seem to get tighter every year. However, proper maintenance will actually save you money in the long run, and work can often be performed so that critical paths remain open or are closed only briefly.

If you are responsible for managing a health care facility, you might want to consider the following procedures to ensure that you obtain the maximum possible life from your pavement.

• Pothole and crack repairs can help prevent damage to vehicles and injuries to pedestrians. This mitigates your risk of being held liable for injuries or damages that occur due to neglected pavement. Furthermore, potholes and cracks in the pavement allow water to penetrate to the foundation; the foundation becomes eroded and the pavement can fail quickly.
• Sealcoating is the most cost-effective way to extend the life of asphalt pavement. It protects against UV rays as well as automotive fluids and other chemicals. In addition, sealcoating refreshes the color of the pavement and makes the area more aesthetically appealing.
• Asphalt overlays can be a money-saving solution for concrete or asphalt pavement that is beyond economical repair. As long as the foundation is in good condition, a layer of asphalt can be applied to the existing pavement. The overlay will have the appearance and life span of new pavement, but the savings will be substantial when compared to the cost of removing and replacing the pavement.
• Pavement markings direct traffic, telling drivers where to park, where the exits are and providing other information that makes the area less confusing. Marking parking spaces, crosswalks and handicapped spaces can keep the area safer and more convenient for everyone.

At NC Asphalt Paving, we understand the special concerns that those responsible for health care facilities have. Our outstanding reputation has been built on our professionalism, customer service and quality workmanship. We offer a full range of paving services, including asphalt paving, overlays, sealcoating, repairs, pavement markings, car stops and parking lot signs. If you would like to discuss your paving needs, You can request a free quote by submitting the online form or calling (336) 549-2258.

Office: 2520 Empire Dr. Winston Salem, NC 27103

©2023 NC Asphalt Paving LLC. 

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